In less than thirty days, my youngest child will be graduating from High School and then he’s off to college this Fall. My wife and I will become empty nesters, a time in my life I have been dreading ever since we decided to have children. Yes, I knew this day would eventually come. This is why, with each year that passed, I made it a point to cherish as much time as possible with him. Time, I
knew, I would never get back. I am so grateful for all the experiences and memories we have created together. Soon, my little buddy will set foot into this massive world to discover what his interests and desires really are. At a very young age, he told me he wanted to work with me after college. I’m still hopeful that someday we can work side by- side in the family business. For those of you who have children, I encourage you to take it all in. Embrace every moment. Embrace every school concert, every sporting event, every bedtime story, and every snuggle. Never wish they are
more independent or self-sufficient and never wish to skip forward into the next stage of life. Instead, I want to encourage you to embrace each stage as I can tell you – those days will disappear in a heartbeat. As most of you know, my family and specifically my kids, are everything to me. I love having them around and doing things as a unit. It is sure going to feel differently come this Fall when Carson’s presence at home isn’t there every day.